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Integration of Safety and Wellness Leads to Improved Quality of Life for Employees

Nebraska Safety Council/WorkWell is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing leadership and resources to promote a safe and healthy environment in our workplace and community. Traditional safety and wellness education and programming has been replaced with a more comprehensive risk management Worker 360° approach. Safety and wellness are walked side-by-side on and off the job for employee and family. This initiative initiated by National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)Total Worker Health® program gives companies the opportunity to have a full spectrum of resources that focus on total employee care.

Healthier Employees are More Productive

This new integrated approach to safety and wellbeing risk management is the most comprehensive look at our workers as a whole person. A safer employee is a healthier employee. A healthier employee is proven to be more present, productive, and recovers from injury and illness much faster. From these benefits, companies and employees mutually benefit. Traditional safety and wellbeing programs often overlapped, such as offering ergonomic assessments or requiring First Aid/CPR certification within specific positions. The Worker 360° concept is greater than the sum of its parts.

Risk Assessments Give Companies Tools to Improve Wellness

NeSC/WW aims to assist organizations across the state transform into safer, healthier, and all-around greater worksites. Employers can take their first steps towards this integration by combining safety and wellness committees, partnering safety and wellness efforts and communications, and taking a safety and health risk assessment. NeSC/WW’s Worker 360° Risk Assessment is a traditional health risk assessment with the addition of several key safety and culture questions. This type of assessment can give a company insight into their workforce across a variety of dimensions such as general health, culture, safety, driving, and interest areas. By gaining insight into these areas, companies can begin to tailor their efforts towards the initiatives with the greatest impact towards improved worker quality of life.

For more information on how Nebraska Safety Council/WorkWell helps promote safe and healthy workplaces, email Nicole Osborne or call her at 402.483.2511 ext 102.