Mission: The Salvation Army is an international Christian non-profit dedicated to spreading faith and meeting human needs without discrimination. From its beginning in 1865 until now, the Salvation Army has offered a number of social services programs that shield families and individuals from the struggles of poverty.
Promoting Health and Fitness: The Salvation Army works with those we serve to promote healthy lifestyles in our programs, including offering nutritious snacks and meals, eliminating vending machines, limiting screen time during youth programs, and an emphasis on preventing obesity and subsequent chronic diseases.
In these videos, learn about Fit Club, a Salvation Army summer and after-school program that shows kids healthy food can taste good by teaching them how to shop for and prepare healthy food on a budget, then keeps them fit with exercise and active play. For more information, email Matthew Drommond or call him at 402-474-6263, ext. 1508.